@misc{CDC_ScopingStudy, author = { Backhaus, S. and Swift, G.W. and Chatzivasileiadis, S. and Tschudi, W. and Glover, S. and Starke, M. and Wang, J. and Yue, M. and Hammerstrom, D.}, title = {{DC} Microgrids Scoping Study —- Estimate of Technical and Economic Benefits}, howpublished = {LA‐UR‐15‐22097. Study funded by the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability of the U.S. Department of Energy}, year = {2015}, note = {} }
@misc{Cigre_Brochure1, author = {Marnay, C. and Abbey, C. and Joos, G. and Ash, K. and Bando, S. and Braun, M. and Chatzivasileiadis, S. and Driesen, J. and Hatziargyriou, N. and Iravani, R. and Jimenez, G. and Katiraei, F. and Lombardi, P. and Lunch, K. and Mancarella, P. and Moneta, D. and Moreira, C. and Oudalov, A. and Khattabi, M. and Morris, G. and Nakanishi, Y. and Reilly, J. and Ross, M. and Shinji, T. and von Appen, J. }, title = {Microgrids 1: Engineering, Economics, Experience}, howpublished = {WG C6.22: Microgrids Evolution Roadmap, Technical Report (Brochure), Cigre}, year = {2014}, note = {} }
@misc{SCH_techreport, author = {Spyros Chatzivasileiadis}, title = {Transmission Investments in Deregulated Electricity Markets}, howpublished = {Technical Report, ETH Zurich, EEH Power Systems Laboratory}, year = {2012}, note = {[Online]: \url{http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch/view/eth:5559}} }
@misc{IRENE_D31, author = {{IRENE-40 European Project}}, title = {{Deliverable 3.1: Application Guide for the Improvement of Ecological Sustainability, Security and Competitiveness by Infrastructural Changes}}, howpublished = {}, year = {2012}, note = {} }
@misc{IRENE_D40, author = {{IRENE-40 European Project}}, title = {{Deliverable 4.0: Roadmap towards a Future Electricity Network}}, howpublished = {}, year = {2012}, note = {} }
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